Jasmin, Rizwana and Risha's Blog

Welcome! We are three AS media students studying at Havering College. As part of our media project, we will be blogging the different stages in the progression of our Horror/Thriller coursework. For our coursework we will be filming a 20 seconds continuity sequence as well as a 2 minute opening sequence of a Horror/Thriller movie. Each stage involved in the progression will be blogged. Enjoy!

Tuesday 24 February 2009

Audience Review - (Completed by Risha Jethwa)

For our coursework as a group we created a questionnaire to help us decide what thriller movies the audience enjoy watching. As a result the questionnaire will help us on our two minute thriller sequence and make it become more effective and appealing. The questionnaire was a sub total of thirty and handed out fifteen males and fifteen females. We chose to hand out thirty because it will give us a balance response from the audience. The results shown show a variety of questions that will help us produce good thriller sequence.

The first question shows us what gender are you, however as you may notice the response back was both 50% male and female. This shows us that our thriller sequence will be targeted at both genders shown by the results.

As you may notice within the thirty people we questioned. A major question was what age group the audience belong to, such as 12-14, 15-17 and 18+. This results shown was nought for age 12 -14, 15-17 was 43% and finally 18+ were 57%. The implies that thriller films show a bigger impact towards young adults, shown by the results.

Most importantly, many question are divided up into different answers to help gain a better response, for instances ‘What do you expect to see in a thriller film’ and ‘what sub-genre of thriller would you prefer to watch’. By suggesting this it allows us to gain more information and opinion within the sequence and produce a better quality sequence.

Within the questionnaire and important question shown is ‘How would you prefer a good thriller movie to being’. The result shown for this was mainly 50% normal everyday life, 39% flashbacks, 7% Death and 4% chase. This indicates that the audience prefer to watch normal everyday life rather than a chase, although by having a normal everyday life as your narrative this will make the sequence more appealing and interesting to watch.

The next question we asked the audience was what they expect to see in a thriller. The response back showed a range of answer, however the most popular answer shown was suspense 31% and the least popular was enigma with 11%.

In the questionnaire, we also asked the audience whether they enjoy watching thriller film or not. As a result the response back was a 100%. This tells us that the thriller genre is a popular genre within today’s society and the mass audience. Secondly the last question asked was if the synopsis of the film ‘Justified Revenge’ showed a clear antagonise (villain) and protagonist (hero).
The audience feed back shown for this question was a 100%. This suggests that the synopsis shows a clear understanding of the protagonist and antagonise.

In conclusion to this questionnaire, the results shown show a clear response of producing a good thriller. We also presented our questionnaire into a pie chart because this will help identify the feed back shown. As a result of this the questionnaire will help us decide what to include in the thriller sequence and help us in the planning and production stages of producing a thriller sequence.

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