Jasmin, Rizwana and Risha's Blog

Welcome! We are three AS media students studying at Havering College. As part of our media project, we will be blogging the different stages in the progression of our Horror/Thriller coursework. For our coursework we will be filming a 20 seconds continuity sequence as well as a 2 minute opening sequence of a Horror/Thriller movie. Each stage involved in the progression will be blogged. Enjoy!

Tuesday 24 February 2009

Audience Review - (Completed by Jasmin Manjdadria)

We designed a questionnaire to understand how the audience would respond to our thriller. Questionnaires are a positive way for gaining feedback on our audience perceives out film as we aim to meet their needs when it comes the two-minute sequence.

When handing out our questionnaires we gave our participants a copy of the script and synopsis to base their answers on. We gave it to thirty people; we choose to give it to an equal amount of males and females (fifteen males and fifteen females) to get an objective and unbiased response from our participants.

The first question we asked was which age group our participants fit into, this is an important question as it shows us what age our film will be appealing to. We found that majority of our group who are 18 year olds and above would find our film appealing.

Our second question was whether our participants watched thrillers at all. All our participants said they watched thriller films, which means they would be able to watch our film with a clear understanding of what to expect and to judge it subjectively.

The third question asked them what they would expect to see in a thriller movie, with the experience of watching other thriller movies it was possible for them to answer this question, we found that majority (31%) of our sample expected to see suspense, this was followed by 17% of people who expected to see danger. At 13% Death and Action was expected. The least two expected was a storyline (15%) and enigma (11%).

The next question was asking them how they would prefer a good thriller to start. 50% said that a good thriller would be good if it started with normal everyday life, 39% of our participants thought a flashback would be an interesting way to start a thriller. The least preferable ways to start a thriller was a chase (4%) and death (7%). The results give us an idea of how we should start our opening, as our audience would prefer to see it start in everyday life, a sense of realism is essential.

The following question was which sub-genre would they prefer to watch, we found that majority (44%) of our audience would prefer to watch psychological thrillers, this was followed by supernatural and action thrillers with 13% and horror thrillers at 9% our least preferred sub genres were ¬conspiracy, forensic, and crime thrillers at 6% and spy thrillers at 3%. This was important as we planned our two-minute sequence to come under this sub-genre.
After they read the script and synopsis we asked them to rate which film classification our film would come under, 60% of them classified the film at 15. And 40% classified the film as 18.

The last question was also related to our synopsis and script, we asked whether a clear antagonist and protagonist was shown, all of our participants found that it was shown clearly.
From the results we managed to create pie charts to show what we had found. I found that handing out questionnaires helped our group modify the production of our film to make it more appealing to our audience according to our findings.

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