Jasmin, Rizwana and Risha's Blog

Welcome! We are three AS media students studying at Havering College. As part of our media project, we will be blogging the different stages in the progression of our Horror/Thriller coursework. For our coursework we will be filming a 20 seconds continuity sequence as well as a 2 minute opening sequence of a Horror/Thriller movie. Each stage involved in the progression will be blogged. Enjoy!

Wednesday 11 March 2009

Thriller Notes - The Shining - (Completed by Risha Jethwa)

The audience is introduced to Jack Torrance, driving up to the Overlook hotel in the mountain of Colorado, to be interviewed for a position of a caretaker in the winter. In the film the main character Jack Torrance is portrayed as being a dominant guy, this is because he is and important character in the film as his role is to look after the hotel and his family, however it also shows that the audience can identify him as being dominant through their surrounding, appearance and personality which will be discussed further down.

The main action of the movie starts when Jack become aware of things and gradually turns into a psycho. This is because it creates and suspense and enigma which will engage the audience.
In the film there are many mysteries and hidden clue given to the audience which sometimes leads to the answer, although by doing this it keeps the audience at the edge of their seats as they fear what happens next.

This happens in a scene when Jack gets an axe and chases his wife Wendy around the halls of the hotel as he tries to kill her. The narrative of this film is a single strand as it only focuses on one storyline, interestingly throughout the story the answer to the hidden mysteries is at the end of the film which makes the audience think more about the character. In one particular scene such as Jack trying to murder his wife and child, a lot of suspense and tension is created which makes the audience think someone is going to die because of the sound and the camera shots.

The types of cinematography used in the film are a variety of close up shots, extreme close up shots and medium shots. This is because you can see the characters emotions, fear and body language, for instance the denotation shows a medium shot of Wendy in the bathroom holding a knife. This represents that women are portrayed as being weak and submissive. This connotes that the knife is her protection as she does not want to be hurt or damaged. In this sequence non- diegetic sound such a soundtrack has been used to build up tension for the audience. Another sound used to ambient sound, this is because the scene is located in the bathroom and water is on and natural sound in occurred in the scene. The camera movement used mostly in this film is tracking shot, this is because it indicates that the audience is following the action in the scene.

In this film the main character Jack is suggested to be the protagonist, but instead is the antagonist, however the main theme that is recognised in this thriller film is how the Jack becomes so strong and dominant throughout the film as he tries to murder his own family. Towards the ending Wendy and Tony the son of Jack also uncover a hidden secret about Jack as he is a killer. This shows that the narrative can be complex but reveals the answer to the audience and the characters in the film.

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