Jasmin, Rizwana and Risha's Blog

Welcome! We are three AS media students studying at Havering College. As part of our media project, we will be blogging the different stages in the progression of our Horror/Thriller coursework. For our coursework we will be filming a 20 seconds continuity sequence as well as a 2 minute opening sequence of a Horror/Thriller movie. Each stage involved in the progression will be blogged. Enjoy!

Thursday 5 March 2009

Props - (Completed by Risha Jethwa and Rizwana Jawid)

In our two minute thriller sequence, we had used different props to describe the characters background and movement. These following props are:

• Bible
• Mobile Phone
• Car
• CD’s
• Keys
• Bin bags

Tony Blake, the main character in our two minutes sequence is shown as a religious man. To show this we used the bible. In order to emphasise the fact that he is religious, the bible helps as it symbolises religion, strength and beliefs that show guidance in how life is to be lived and the norms and values each individual shares. By suggesting the use of a bible, the audience can see that Tony believes in a certain way of being brought up and living.

The main characters role is also situated in the car. Throughout the sequence there are a number of scenes taken place in the car. To create a sense of enigma a number of different shots and angles are used. This helps the audience feel as if something is about to happen and leads them into thinking what is going to happen next. Also, by the use of different shots, the characters expressions and emotions are clearly visible.

In the sequence, when the car scenes are shot Tony inserts a CD and play religious Christianity music. This indicates that Tony is a man who has a belief that he follows. By playing the CD this conveys that Tony is in a peaceful state of mind as the music keeps him calm. Another reason implies that the religious music playing makes the audience think he is a good man in life and believes in good for everyone.

Another prop that is used by Tony in the two minute sequence his mobile phone. This prop is used so that he is able to get in contact with family and friends.

The last prop that was used in the two minute sequence was the bin bags which the victim was put in to. We chose to do this because this emphasises the fact that the victim has been kidnapped and is in danger. It also shows the audience that the victim has been treated badly.

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