Jasmin, Rizwana and Risha's Blog

Welcome! We are three AS media students studying at Havering College. As part of our media project, we will be blogging the different stages in the progression of our Horror/Thriller coursework. For our coursework we will be filming a 20 seconds continuity sequence as well as a 2 minute opening sequence of a Horror/Thriller movie. Each stage involved in the progression will be blogged. Enjoy!

Monday 26 January 2009


We finished filing the preliminary task and in todays lesson we looked over the shots we had and found that we did not get the right shots that we wanted. In the filming process of the preliminary task we came across a number of difficulties and made mistakes in the shots that were taken and the way in which we filmed. In order to get our preliminary task filmed correctly, clearly demonstrating the 180 degree rule and continuity we had to film our preliminary a number of times. The first time we filmed we misunderstood the concept of the 180 degree rule therefore we could not edit the footage. The second time we filmed we had taken camera shots that we could not use. Some shots were too far from the chracaters whereas other shots were close-ups which were not needed.

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