Jasmin, Rizwana and Risha's Blog

Welcome! We are three AS media students studying at Havering College. As part of our media project, we will be blogging the different stages in the progression of our Horror/Thriller coursework. For our coursework we will be filming a 20 seconds continuity sequence as well as a 2 minute opening sequence of a Horror/Thriller movie. Each stage involved in the progression will be blogged. Enjoy!

Wednesday 21 January 2009

The 180 Degree Rule

The 180° rule is one of the basic filming guidelines that must be followed when filming. The guideline states that the characters or any other element in the same scene must always have the same right or left positioning to each other.

If the camera passes over the imaginary axis, the scene may become confusing as the directions established for the viewer will be changed.

This video helped me and my group to clearly understand what is meant by the 180 degree rule. We will be referring to this video in the future if required and will also use this guideline in the filming of The Preliminary Task as well as the 2 minutes Thriller sequence.

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