Jasmin, Rizwana and Risha's Blog

Welcome! We are three AS media students studying at Havering College. As part of our media project, we will be blogging the different stages in the progression of our Horror/Thriller coursework. For our coursework we will be filming a 20 seconds continuity sequence as well as a 2 minute opening sequence of a Horror/Thriller movie. Each stage involved in the progression will be blogged. Enjoy!

Sunday 5 April 2009

Audience Review for 2nd questionnaire. (completed by Jasmin Manjdadria)

We designed a questionnaire to understand how the audience would respond to our thriller. Questionnaires are a positive way for gaining feedback on how our audience perceives our film as we aim to meet their needs when it comes the two-minute sequence. 
We gave our questionnaire to thirty people, we choose to give it to an equal amount of males and females.(fifteen males and fifteen females) like the first questionnaire to keep continuity. We asked them to carry out the questionnaire after watching our two minute sequence.
The first question we asked was which age group our participants fit into, like in the first questionnaire. It would be productive to compare the age groups as this would make it easier for us to draw a conclusion on who our main target audience was for this film. We found that majority of our group who were targeted were 18 year olds followed by 15-17 year olds (12%).
The second question we asked was which ethnicity our audience were, we found that majority of our audience was between white and asian at 9%, but this was closely followed by an black audience at 8%. This question helps us specify what type of audience we had observing our film, it may effect they way they could relate to the mise-en-scene and understand the sequence.
The third question whether the thriller meets the needs of a good thriller movie; this is a direct yes or no answer that would help us correlate how many people found the opening realistic. We found that 24% of our audience found the thriller met the needs of a good thriller.
The next question was whether the thriller supported or challenged the forms and conventions of thrillers. Our findings show that 28% said that we used the same forms and conventions like other thrillers which means we kept the stereotype by using a female as the victim and a male as the murderer.
The following question asked whether the film showed a clear antagonist and protagonist, in the previous questionnaire we asked the same question with reference to the script and synopsis, all participants found it was shown clearly. The results found the same results.
We asked which conventions were mostly apparent, the results found that the audience found the location realistic most apparent (14%). This was followed by 12% of them who thought the normal everyday life was apparent the last two options were less apparent.
The last question was which audience would the film appeal to, we found that it appealed mostly to 25+ (13%) and less likely to appeal to 12-14 year olds according to the audience.
We created pie charts to make the results readable. It demonstrates how our film was perceived to the audience, and from these findings we can generalise it to a wider audience.

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